There are some moments in life that reveal a divine spark. Moments that we look back on where something happened that exceeded our wildest dreams and expectations. Moments that feel greater than us, moments that can go on to define us. Some attribute these moments to coincidence or luck. Others identify these moments as acts of fate or destiny. Christians recognise these moments for what they really are: the divine inspiration and intervention of God.
There is a famous chant that lovers of the 'beautiful game' (aka the 'real football') will instantly recognise, it is a chant that has no doubt been heard in several stadiums, pubs/bars, and living rooms; "Olé, Olé, Olé". This chant has lost it's meaning over the years. Initially being exclaimed by a zealous Matador as they fought bulls, or shouted as flamenco dancers danced, then declared by football (see: soccer) fans when they witnessed beautiful play, and now, generally being chanted by the masses in song to encourage/spur/herald a football game and even other sports/competitions. 'Olé' is a Spanish word that (some people think) comes from the Arabic word 'Allah', which, when translated to English, means 'God'. As people sat and watched a bull-fighter narrowly miss a violent death, they would exclaim 'God!'. As people saw the beautiful motions and movements of flamenco dancers they would joyfully shout 'God!'. As people witness a precisely executed play that results in an extraordinary goal, they excitedly chant 'God!'. Hidden within humanity's languages is a recognition of the Divine in reaction to witnessing a special moment. When was the last time you saw God move in your life? When was the last time you stood back and said, 'God', in reaction to a moment?
God is always active and ever present! In fact, His very name is a reminder of that. As Moses stood before the Burning Bush, being mandated by God to go and save His people, the Israelites (Exodus chapter 3), Moses asks God a very insolent and yet intriguing question: "Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?". God answered in verses 14 and 15, ""I AM who I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’... Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD...has sent me to you.""
"I AM who I AM"
Exodus 3:14
For the first time in human history, God's name was revealed to us. A name resounding in its absolution, giving us a glimpse of God's eternal nature. His name, the tetragrammaton YHWH (written as 'LORD' all throughout the Bible), literally means, 'The Ever Present One' or 'I AM'. Scholars and theologians note that the name YHWH, as it is spoken, sounds like and intonates breathing. God's name is hidden within each and everyone of our breaths. He is ever-present and is essential for our very survival.
The word 'inspiration' comes from the root word 'inspire' which originates from the Latin word meaning 'God breathed'. When you see a painting that moves you, when you read a story or poem that evokes something within you, when you hear a song lyric that touches on a universal truth, when you identify something that was crafted with true inspiration behind it, know that you are witnessing something that is God Breathed. Will you shout 'Olé!' Will you exclaim 'God!'?
God has revealed His name to you. He tells you that He is always there and always active. He wants to breathe new life into you, to inspire you with words and actions that reveal Himself not only to you, but to all those around you. Will you let Him?