My Dear Daughter,
Today you are one! Where did the time go?!
The first moment I held you in my arms, I imagined up a whole world and life for you. I thought about who you’d grow up to be and what triumphs and hurts you’d have to face along the way. So on your first birthday, I want to share a little of the hopes and dreams that I have for you as well as the heartaches I hope you’ll avoid.
Firstly and most importantly, know that you are loved. Your mother and I love you more than life itself, but, as hard as it can sometimes be to believe, there is a greater, deeper, wider Love to be experienced. Before time began, your Heavenly Father knew you and loved you. He made you to discover Him and experience His delight in you. I know His profound intense love for you because He gives me glimpses of it each day, and it makes my heart sing. He holds His arms out wide, waiting for you to be wrapped in His affection and favour. My darling, run to Him, always. Let Him love you. Love Him deeply in return. Never turn away from Him or reject Him, because your soul will ache and suffer for the lack of Him. Let His love and presence be the guiding light that forgives you, defines you, sustains you, encourages you, and pushes you to become the woman He’s crafted you to be.
As you journey into His presence, and grow in your love for Him, you will discover who you really are. Identity is so elusive for so many. You will be tempted to define yourself by what you achieve, or what you desire, or what others would say of you. Don’t be fooled - all these things pale in comparison to the eternal standing of the God who created you. Allow Him to define you. Don’t be afraid; the identity He has created you for is not a burden or a let down. Rather, it is the epitome of what joy and good can look like - because it’s Source is the origin of all joy and all good. So don’t settle for anything less than your identity found in Jesus, who made you and gave everything to win you back to Himself.
Lastly, always remind yourself that purpose and meaning are the fruits of a secure identity. Some believe life’s purpose is to gather, collect and indulge in whatever vice they crave, as much as possible, before their time runs out. But I hope you will come to know that this life is only the beginning of eternity and that satisfaction in what the world offers is fleeting, at best. Purpose and meaning are not found when we focus inwardly, rather, true meaning is found when we give. Do not focus on your wants or even needs, think about others first. If you know you belong to God, you know your needs and even many of your wants will be provided by Him. You also know that the One who rescued you, would have you extend the same grace, generosity and love towards others. So don’t chase meaning in wealth, status or pleasures and don’t find purpose in titles or self-centred relationships. Pursue the reality of purpose as it was first revealed to you - sacrificial love that seeks the welfare and wellbeing of others, even over itself. It won’t be easy, and it may even hurt, but it will be worth it.
My beautiful little girl, you make your mother and I so happy! We are already so proud of you and who you are becoming! Know that we pray for you everyday. We trust that the years ahead are full of joy and hope, not because of anything any of us can secure or provide, but because we serve the Almighty Loving Father.
With all my love,