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You spoke time into meaning

Spun matter into being

The stars sung for joy to see the work of your hands

You brought beauty from darkness

And light into the chaos

The waters held back by your command

You formed me in the secret place

Planned my purpose and gave me grace

Oh how precious are your thoughts toward me

You were there through it all

The seasons fall into line

As your voice dictates time

No sunset or sunrise by mistake

Each raindrop and snowflake placed

Every lightning bolt traced 

Your eye sees and hand crafts all there is

When my heart was yet far from you 

I was surrounded by your love and truth

My soul knows well, wonderful are You

You are there through it all

You see my hurt and my pain

You catch my tears as they rain

You hold me close and aren’t afraid

You surrendered to the cross 

Broken and bleeding for us

You took my pain from off my shoulders

Your thoughts towards me are vast

Too great for me to grasp

I cannot hold your infinite unfolding wonder

You are here through it all